Plastic Building Blocks
Dennis and Cody are building a castle out of plastic building blocks. They will need 2\frac12 buckets of blocks for the castle they have in mind. Dennis used to have two full buckets of blocks but lost some and now has 1\frac34 buckets. Cody used to have two full buckets of blocks too, but now has 1\frac14 buckets. If Dennis and Cody combine their buckets of blocks, will they have enough to build their castle?
IM Commentary
The purpose of this task is to have students add mixed numbers with like denominators. This task illustrates the different kinds of solution approaches students might take to such a task. Two general approaches should be anticipated: one where students calculate exactly how many buckets of blocks the boys have to determine an answer, and one where students compare the given numbers to benchmark numbers.
If students choose to approach the problem by calculating exactly how many buckets of blocks the boys have, at least two methods should be anticipated here as well. While some students will add the whole numbers together, then the fractions together, and finally combine the two, other students may choose to find equivalent fractions for the mixed numbers and then add the fractions. If students choose to approach the problem by comparing the given numbers to benchmarks, they are illustrating a strong number sense, although they may have some difficulty showing all of their work. Ideally in a classroom situation, some students will approach it via calculation and others will approach it via comparison, which could generate a very good classroom discussion about fraction number sense.
Solution: Drawing a picture
The picture on the left represents Dennis' buckets of building blocks, and the picture on the right represents Cody's buckets of building blocks.

Combining the boys' buckets, that is pouring Cody's bucket that is not full into Dennis' bucket that is not full (or vice versa), we see that

the boys have 3 full buckets (and one empty bucket).
Solution: Using properties of operations
We can approach the addition of mixed numbers in a couple of ways.
Since 1\frac34=1+\frac34 and 1\frac14=1+\frac14, 1\frac34+1\frac14=1+\frac34+1+\frac14
By the commutative property of addition we have that
Now we can simply add the whole numbers together and add the fractions together.
Adding the whole numbers we have
Adding the fractions we have
Together we have
Combined, the boys have 3 buckets of plastic building blocks.
Solution: Converting mixed numbers to equivalent fractions
We can record this symbolically as follows. Since:
Just as we saw in the picture, the boys have 3 buckets of plastic building blocks all together.
Solution: Estimating
To determine whether or not the boys have enough plastic building blocks to build their mansion we can compare the number of buckets they have to the minimum number of buckets they need. We don’t need to calculate the exact number of buckets they have but only whether they have more or less than 2\frac12 buckets.
Dennis has 1\frac34 buckets of plastic building blocks, and Cody has 1\frac12 buckets of plastic building blocks. If we only count their full buckets, Dennis has 1 bucket and Cody has 1 bucket. Together, the boys have 2 full buckets. They only need another \frac12 of a bucket to build their mansion. In addition to his 1 full bucket, Dennis also has \frac34 of a bucket, which is more than \frac12 because \frac34\gt\frac24=\frac12
Dennis and Cody have 2 full buckets of blocks and more than \frac12 of an additional bucket of blocks, meaning that they have more than 2\frac12 buckets of blocks. The answer is yes; the boys will have enough plastic building blocks to build the mansion they have in mind.
Plastic Building Blocks
Dennis and Cody are building a castle out of plastic building blocks. They will need 2\frac12 buckets of blocks for the castle they have in mind. Dennis used to have two full buckets of blocks but lost some and now has 1\frac34 buckets. Cody used to have two full buckets of blocks too, but now has 1\frac14 buckets. If Dennis and Cody combine their buckets of blocks, will they have enough to build their castle?