Running to School, Variation 2
The distance between Rosa’s house and her school is \frac34 mile. She ran \frac14 mile. What fraction of the way to school did she run?
IM Commentary
This task builds on a fifth grade fraction multiplication task, “5.NF Running to School, Variation 1.” This task uses the identical context, but asks the corresponding “Number of Groups Unknown” division problem. See “6.NS Running to School, Variation 3” for the “Group Size Unknown” version.
Solution: Solution
We know that the distance between Rosa’s house and her school is \frac34 of a mile.

We also know that Rosa ran \frac14 of a mile.

Solution: Taking a computational approach
This question is equivalent to asking, "What fraction of \frac34 mile is \frac14 mile?" We can write this symbolically as ? \times \frac34 = \frac14
Rosa ran \frac13 of the way to school.
Running to School, Variation 2
The distance between Rosa’s house and her school is \frac34 mile. She ran \frac14 mile. What fraction of the way to school did she run?