Drinking Juice, Variation 2
Alisa had \frac12 liter of juice in a bottle. She drank \frac38 liters of juice. What fraction of the juice in the bottle did Alisa drink?
IM Commentary
This task builds on a fifth grade fraction multiplication task, “5.NF Drinking Juice.” This task uses the identical context, but asks the corresponding “Number of Groups Unknown” division problem. See “Drinking Juice, Variation 3” for the “Group Size Unknown” version.
Solution: Solution
First, draw a rectangle that represents \frac12 liter.

We know that Alisa has \frac12 liter of juice in a bottle. Now we break the rectangle that represents \frac12 liter into four smaller rectangles. Each small rectangle represents \frac14 of \frac12, which is \frac14 \times \frac12 = \frac18 \text{ liter.}
Alisa drank \frac34 of the juice that was in the bottle.
Solution: A computational approach
This question is equivalent to asking, "What fraction of \frac12 liter is \frac38 liter?" We can write this symbolically as ? \times \frac12 = \frac38
Alisa drank \frac34 of the juice that was in the bottle.
Drinking Juice, Variation 2
Alisa had \frac12 liter of juice in a bottle. She drank \frac38 liters of juice. What fraction of the juice in the bottle did Alisa drink?