Comparing Temperatures
Here are the low temperatures (in Celsius) for one week in Juneau, Alaska:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 5 -1 -6 -2 3 7 0 Arrange them in order from coldest to warmest temperature.
On a winter day, the low temperature in Anchorage was 23 degrees below zero (in ^\circ C ) and the low temperature in Minneapolis was 14 degrees below zero (in ^\circ C ). Sophia wrote,
Minneapolis was colder because -14 \lt -23.
Is Sophia correct? Explain your answer. -
The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth was -89^\circ C in Antarctica. The average temperature on Mars is about -55^\circ C . Which is warmer, the coldest temperature on earth or the average temperature on Mars? Write an inequality to support your answer.