Grandfather Tang's Story

- A copy of Grandfather Tang's Story by Ann Tompert
- One set of tangrams for each student (see note in commentary)
- A set of tangrams for the teacher (magnetic for the whiteboard or colored to use on a document projector)
- Character worksheet
- Crayons
The teacher reads Grandfather Tang's Story to the class. As the teacher comes to each character in the story, note the picture of the animal that is an outline of a shape that can be made with tangrams. Students may need to spend some time looking to see how these outlines represent the animals since they are somewhat abstract. Ask the students if they see familiar shapes as components of the animal outlines--for example, the tail of the fox is a trapezoid and the wings of the hawk are triangles.
After the class has read the story, the students choose animals from the story to make with the tangrams. The worksheet shows the tangram animals, and when they have made an animal, they color the corresponding shape on the worksheet.
The teacher can demonstrate for students how to turn and place the tangram shapes as needed to support the students.
After the students have worked on making 2 or more animals from the book, they can make their own animals.