In the picture below segment AB is congruent to segment DE, segment AC is congruent to segment DF and segment BC is congruent to segment EF:
Show that the two triangles ABC and DEF are congruent via the following steps, which produce a rigid transformation of the plane sending \triangle ABC to \triangle DEF.
Show that there is a translation of the plane which maps A to D. Call B' and C' the images of B and C under this transformation.
Show that there is a rotation of the plane which does not move D and which maps B' to E. Call C'' the image of C' under this transformation.
Show that there is a reflection of the plane which does not move D or E and which maps C'' to F.
IM Commentary
This particular sequence of transformations which exhibits a congruency between triangles ABC and DEF used one translation, one rotation, and one reflection. There are many other ways in which to exhibit the congruency and students and teachers are encouraged to explore the different possibilities.
For example, in the first step, where point A is moved via rigid transformation to point D, this could be accomplished via a translation, rotation, or reflection. The second step, where B^\prime is moved to E while leaving D fixed, could be accomplished with a rotation as is done here or with a reflection.
It is important to note that the argument here relies on the SAS congruence criterion. An alternate approach to SSS which does not use SAS can be found here: https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/tasks/1930.
This task includes an experimental GeoGebra worksheet, with the intent that instructors might use it to more interactively demonstrate the relevant content material. The file should be considered a draft version, and feedback on it in the comment section is highly encouraged, both in terms of suggestions for improvement and for ideas on using it effectively. The file can be run via the free online application GeoGebra, or run locally if GeoGebra has been installed on a computer.
This file is designed to illustrate a series of rigid transformations to show two triangles are congruent. It contains instructions and at every step there is a button that can be clicked to show the next step. Also there are sliders that appear so you can manually do the rigid transformations. At any point you can click the red reset button to return to the initial state.