Tangent of Acute Angles
Below is a picture of a right triangle:
In terms of the picture, what are \sin{\angle P}, \cos{\angle P}, and \tan{\angle P}? Do these values depend on the size of the triangle?
- Complete the following table, rounding off each answer to the nearest hundredth if using a calculator. Draw a picture showing the meaning of \sin{x}, \cos{x}, and \tan{x} for an acute angle x.
Angle (degrees) \cos{x} \sin{x} \tan{x} 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 - What value do you find in the bottom right corner of the table for \tan{90}? Why?
- What patterns do you notice in the third column with the values of \tan{x}? Do you think that these patterns will hold true for all acute angles x? Explain.
- Based on the table, what values do you think the function \tan{x} takes when 0 \lt x \lt 90? Explain.