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Find The Numbers 0-5 or 5-10

Alignments to Content Standards: K.CC.A


The teacher will need to create 2-3 sets of six number cards (0,1,2,3,4,5) and a matching number die (0,1,2,3,4,5) for each set of students. Materials can be made from index cards and blank wooden cubes.

Students can play in pairs or trios. Each student places a set of the number cards 0-5 face up, in sequence, in front of him or herself. The students will take turns rolling the 0-5 die. After rolling he or she needs to find the matching number in the row of cards, say the number name out loud to the other student(s) and turn it face down. If a student rolls a number that they have already turned over they lose that turn. Students continue to roll until one student has no cards left face up. The student with all cards turned over first wins the game. Students may use a number line to help set up the cards in sequence.

IM Commentary

  • It is sometimes helpful to use cards that include a pictorial representation of the quantity on them so students can count to identify a number (while also associating a quantity with a numeral). If you are making the cards, organize the quantities with tally marks or familiar dot patterns from dice so students begin to recognize groups.

  • Students should be able to identify numbers when they are given numerals in random order. Identification of numerals when they are sequenced does not necessarily indicate facility with reading numbers because the sequence of the numbers offers students support for identification. Sequence is a great support during instruction and is the reason that students should sequence the cards for this activity but is a support that should be removed for assessment.

  • This game can be helpful with another common confusion for students, 12 with 20 or 21. If students have mastered other numbers but still have trouble with these, this game can be modified to include only the numbers 12, 20, 21 on the cards and die. In this variation the teacher would make 2-3 copies of each number and a die with 12,20,21. Students should arrange the cards in pairs rather than in a line.

  • Another approach for students struggling to identify numbers is sorting. Students can sort numeral cards into categories such as 6 and not 6, 12 and not 12 or “teen number” and not a teen if they are having trouble identifying certain numerals. For example 6 vs. 9 or 12 vs. 21.


Cards can be numbered from 0-5 or 1-6 with a matching die, 5-10 with a matching die, 10-15 with a matching die, then 16-20 with a matching die.

The whole class can work on the same range initially but as students progress you may have some students still working on 0-5 but others who can move on to 5-10 or 10-15. In this way all students can be doing the same activity but it is differentiated for individual student needs.