Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers.
a Understand that multiplication is extended from fractions to rational numbers by requiring that operations continue to satisfy the properties of operations, particularly the distributive property, leading to products such as $(-1)(-1) = 1$ and the rules for multiplying signed numbers. Interpret products of rational numbers by describing real-world contexts.
b Understand that integers can be divided, provided that the divisor is not zero, and every quotient of integers (with non-zero divisor) is a rational number. If $p$ and $q$ are integers, then $-(p/q) = (-p)/q = p/(-q)$. Interpret quotients of rational numbers by describing real-world contexts.
c Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide rational numbers.
d Convert a rational number to a decimal using long division; know that the decimal form of a rational number terminates in 0s or eventually repeats.