IM Commentary
Statistics is the study of variability. Students need to be able to identify and pose questions that can be answered by data that vary. The purpose of this task is to help students learn to distinguish between statistical questions and questions that are not statistical. A statistical question is one that can be answered by collecting data and where there will be variability in that data. This is different from a question that anticipates a deterministic answer. For example, "How many minutes do 6th grade students typically spend on homework each week?" is a statistical question. We would answer this question by collecting data from 6th graders, and we expect that not all 6th grade students spend the same amount of time on homework (meaning there will be variability in the data). On the other hand, "How much time did Juana spend on homework last night?" is not a statiscal question--it has a deterministic answer and is not answered by collecting data that vary.