US Airports, Assessment Variation
The scatter plot below shows the relationship between the number of airports in a state and the population of that state according to the 2010 Census. Each dot represents a single state. The number of airports in each state comes from data on The data for population comes from the 2010 census:

- How would you characterize the relationship between the number of airports in a state and the state's population? (Select one):
- The variables are positively associated; states with higher populations tend to have fewer airports.
- The variables are negatively associated; states with higher populations tend to have fewer airports.
- The variables are positively associated; states with higher populations tend to have more airports.
- The variables are negatively associated; states with higher populations tend to have more airports.
- The variables are not associated.
LaToya uses the function y = (1.35 \times10^{-6})x + 6.1 to model the relationship between the number of airports, y and the population in a state, x.
- How many airports does LaToya’s model predict for a state with a population of 30 million people? [______].
- What does the number 6.1 that appears in LaToya’s function mean in the context of airports vs. populations? (Select one.)
- The average number of airports in a state is 6.1.
- The median number of airports in a state is 6.1.
- The model predicts a population of 6.1 people in a state with no airports.
- The model predicts 6.1 airports in a state with no people.
- The model predicts that 6.1 states have no airports.
- The model predicts 6.1 more airports, on average, for each additional person in a state.
- The model predicts 6.1 fewer airports, on average, for each additional person in a state.
- The number 6.1 cannot be interpreted in this context.
- What does the number 1.35 \times 10^{-6} that appears in LaToya’s function mean in the context of airports vs. populations? (Select one.)
- The average number of airports in a state is 1.35 \times 10^{-6}.
- The median number of airports in a state is 1.35 \times 10^{-6}.
- The model predicts 1.35 \times 10^{-6} airports in a state with no people.
- The model predicts 1.35 \times 10^{-6} people in a state with no airports.
- The model predicts that 1.35 \times 10^{-6} states have no airports.
- The model predicts 1.35 \times 10^{-6} more airports, on average, for each additional person in a state.
- The model predicts 1.35 \times 10^{-6} fewer airports, on average, for each additional person in a state.
- The number 1.35 \times 10^{-6} cannot be interpreted in this context.
- Fill in the following newspaper headline based on this relationship:
On average, a state in the contiguous 48 US states has 1 additional airport for every __________________ additional people.